Problem based research
Deductive and Inductive
Problem based research: Deductive
1. clarify unclear notions, diagrams, models, schemes, statistics, etc.
2. define the problem related to the given data
3. analyse the problem and search for possible ideas, assumptions and connexions
4. classify and arrange the possible ideas, explanations, connexions and elaborate them systematically
5. formulate hypothetical research queries related to the research goal
6. seek additional information, eliminate the contradictions, reconstruct and complete the theory
7. synthesize, validate and interpret the theory in relation to the problem of the case
8. structure the findings and formulate the found rules (and present them)
Problem based research: Inductive
1. search sensory observations and formulate them exactly
2. cluster the salient facts / symptoms / aspects
3. search relations between the salient facts / symptoms / aspects and draw axes
4. place the relations in a systematic “...” field and formulate a hypothesis
5. formulate additional research queries and search for causes & effects within the relations
6. develop a possible theoretical connexion within the causes & effects
7. criticize whether the theoretical functions fit with the relations
8. check the theoretical findings with the salient facts
Problem based research; the 8 aspects of the formal route
Problem based research, an object related analytical method, recursive working to conceive notions, releasing the subject. Understanding a process of conceiving notions related to facts as a whole of participial particles within an empirical classification to create insights.
1. A process of conceiving notions needs a subject related vital synthetical, sympathic, centrifugal force, which can interfere.
2. A process of conceiving notions is the search for participial particles consisting of facts and ideas within the coherence of a still to be found logical class.
3. The search for similarities between facts and notions arise possible interactions between the particles.
4. Discursive relations arise through the converge of the particular particles (through unifying and formalizing), which lead to a possible comprehending of a temporal consistence.
5. From this process of converge arise possible causal relations which have to be made explicit in a still to be validated hypothesis.
6. Classified processes of information reveal an anarchy of logical structures which are transcendent to the phenomena.
7. An anarchy of logical structures is experimentally ordered in a flow diagram and / or tree diagram.
8. A whole of test beds bases the material rules concerning the positions between the differences and similarities in the found causal relations.
Dutch translation of the 8 aspects above:
1. Een begripsvormend proces behoeft een subjectbetrokken vitale synthetische, sympathische, centrifugale kracht die kan interfereren.
2. Een begripsvormend proces is het zoeken naar op elkaar inwerkende delen bestaande uit feiten en begrippen binnen de samenhang van een nog te vinden logische klasse.
3. Het zoeken naar overeenkomsten tussen feiten en begrippen laat mogelijke interacties tussen de delen ontstaan.
4. Het convergeren van de onderscheiden delen (middels unificeren en formaliseren) laat discursieve verbanden ontstaan, die leiden tot een mogelijk begrijpen van een temporele samenhang.
5. In dit convergentie proces ontstaan mogelijke causale betrekkingen die nader geëxpliciteerd worden tot een mogelijke te valideren hypothese.
6. Geclassificeerde informatieprocessen onthullen een anarchie aan logische structuren die transcendent zijn aan de verschijnselen
7. Een anarchie aan logische structuren wordt via experimenten geordend in een stroomdiagram en / of boomdiagram.
8. Een geheel van proefopstellingen fundeert de materiële regels aangaande de posities tussen verschil en overeenkomst in de gevonden causale betrekking.