4a Frame King Wen cycle and the Elements

...The King Wen sequence is an arrangement of the sixty-four divination figures in the I Ching or Book of Changes. They are called hexagrams in English because each figure is composed of six broken or unbroken lines, that represent yin or yang respectively. There are two hexagram arrangements, the King Wen and the Fu Chi sequence, you can find the explanation of the two sequences in the next diagram

Algemeen, Fu Hsi structuur en King-Wen ordening

The two hexagram arrangements are a illustration of thinking with the help of wel ordened and structured diagrams. Therefore we used in this duogram the sequence of the hexagrams in the King Wen cycle to research the analog positions in space and time between a chinese (King Wen cycle) and a western model (the four elements). A duogram is the combination of a dynagram (blue) and a diagram (red). In this duogram you can study the implications between the two complementary models and the references between de positions in a dynagram and a diagram...

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...The ancient Greek word for element, stoicheion (from stoicheo, "to line up") meant "smallest division (of a sun-dial). Plato seems to have been the first to use the term element in reference to earth, water, air and fire. Many worldvieuws have a set of classical elements believed to reflect the simplest essential parts and principles of which anything consists or upon which the constitution and fundamental powers of anything are based. Most frequently, classical elements refer to ancient observations inspired by natural dynamics or phases of matter. In this diagram you will find the classical elements; notice for understanding the elements that they have different connotations, for example: earth is analogous to solid, water is analogous to liquid, air is analogous to gas and fire is analogous to plasma...

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