Working in a dictogram / field

system methodics - open dating - mind mapping - activity in the field / the field in action



system methodics - axial dating - design mapping - structure the structuring / structuring the structure



system methodics - conceptual dating - concept mapping - disclosing the phenomena / the phenomenal enlightenment



system methodics - functional dating - frame mapping - frame of mind in a framework / a framework of frames of mind



In four steps from field to possible dictogram

1. provoking acclamation

explore together the dynamic between the research query and research goal to find an accorded research question.

2. invoking inspiration

everyone tunes in on the field, this field, the matrix, the Sophia, the central research question.

3. convoking denotations

everyone has to accept everything that happens to the participants within the field.

4. evoking connotations

everyone becomes the spokesman of that what happened to her / him within the field.

(Everyone picks the moment when she or he wants to share what happened)

(The sequence determines the outcome of what this field aims for).

Four possible actions

pro act with what happens to you in this field

re act on what occurs in this field

inter act with what presents itself in this field

trans act by accepting everyone as spokesman of this field

Four steps to elaborate the results of every spokesman (in the ordered sequence, see step 4) to structure a personal dictogram

5. instruction by revealing data

bring to light the facts, thoughts, feelings, wants, perceptions, sensations through the use of informing questions.

6. obstruction by positioning data

positioning the found data in a possible axial field to elaborate the field through the use of research (hypothetical) questions.

(the questionar has to explain his question).

7. construction by ordering data

to elaborate the axial field we use possible relevant ...grams which provide us with validating questions that could bring possible data to light.

8. destruction by structuring data

through the use of eleminating questions we reduce the possible axial connexions into the most cruxial connexion.

In four steps the represented positions in the dictogram will be highlighted

9. illuminating spotlights

the represented positions will be highlighted in the sequence determined by the field. Possible meanings and insights will be spotlighted.

10. revealing flashlights

insights from related positions will be elaborated until some conceptual connexions reveal themselves.

11. elucidating skylights

the found significant positions and their relations of the disclosed hypothetical concept will be used by exploring the open positions to complete the field / concept.

12. illustrating highlights

forasmuch this unique concept could be placed into a functional pattern, the concept will be tested on it’s uniqueness and compatibility.

To install a frame of mind means elaborating a new framework

13. incepting a grid

research in which thematic connexion the formed frame of mind could be situated to develop eventually a new thematic framework.

(If needed or desirable the old frames of minds could be enwrapped)

14. excepting a skeleton

redesign from this thematic framework a fitting whole of relevant existing (and new) models / concepts by repositioning them.

15. concepting a network

formatting the relevant frames of mind in a system dynamic founded framework, respectively a pattern.

16. percepting a matrix

validate and accredit the system dynamic founded framework playfully in the concrete practice.