charter artes sophiae

Artes Sophiae consists of a foundation and a cooperation.

The foundation Artes Sophiae is the holding,

the cooperation Artes Vitae UA the operating company.

Artes Sophiae belongs to nobody in particular,

therefore we put all the intellectual rights

and the results of system dynamic thinking and working

in a TRUST.

To express, that Artes Sophiae belongs to humanity as a whole.

To live and to work in artesS, one must be the willing servitor of the Sophia.

Artes Sophiae will be the place of an unending education,

of constant progress, and a youth that never ages.

Artes Sophiae will be a site of spiritual and material researches

for a living embodiment of an actual humanity in progress.

Artes Sophiae wants to be the bridge between the past and the future,

between east and west,

between mythical and ontological thinking,

between images and notions.

The members of Artes Sophiae taking advantage of all discoveries from within

and from without,

the members will boldly spring towards future realisations

in system dynamics

serving humanisation.

I for the cooperation, creating plentifulness.

I for myself, exchanging talents.

I for the world, sharing benefits.